We develop your software so that you have more time for your most important tasks.

Wir entwickeln deine Software damit du wieder mehr Zeit fĂŒr die wirklich wichtigen Dinge hast.

Welcome to Earlybyte

Your  experts for custom mobile and web applications, as well as robot operations platforms in Winterthur and Zurich.

Our focus lies on purposeful digitalization, time-saving automation, IoT, and Industry 4.0. We replace monotonous tasks with simple and cost-saving software solutions so your employees can concentrate on creative and strategically important tasks.

Let's create innovations together and increase your success.

Early Services – Custom Software Development

We offer our software development services in four categories to turn your ideas into reality.

Early Services

Um deine Visionen in die RealitÀt umzusetzen, bieten wir unsere Dienstleistungen rund um Softwareentwicklung in vier verschiedenen Kategorien an.

Early Connect service logo. Blue hexagon with circles in the middle that are connected together.
Service Early Control Logo. Hellviolettes Hexagon mit einem gezeichneten Computerchip in der Mitte.
Early Transform service logo. Purple hexagon with three arrows inside which draw a one-sided path.
Early Spotlight service logo. Pink hexagon In the middle a bar chart with a line above.

early Connect

Durch Early Connect verbinden und vernetzen wir deine Applikationen, damit deine Daten auf dem neusten Stand bleiben und du unter anderem deine Effizienz erhöhen kannst.

early Control

Durch IoT-Technologie maximieren wir das Potenzial deiner GerÀte, Maschinen und Fahrzeuge, indem wir sie mit einer Cloud verbinden und so um neue Nutzungsmöglichkeiten erweitern.

early Transform

Hier steht die zweckmÀssige Digitalisierung deines Unternehmens im Vordergrund, um dir einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu verschaffen.

early Spotlight

Wir entwickeln Applikationen, die deine gesammelten Daten an einem Ort visualisieren, zusammenfassen und filtern, wodurch du den Mehrwert deiner Angebote verbessern kannst und auch das Kundenerlebnis steigerst.


SWARM enables manufacturers and dealers to easily manage distributed robots, vehicles, and other smart devices. The IoT platform also has useful features such as remote access, mission reports, a dashboard, and a fleet overview to ensure smooth operation around the clock and gain in-depth insight into performance.

SWARM diagram, which shows the various functions of Robot Operation Management Platform. It has the SWARM logo in the middle, a robot with telephone and the words “Access & Control” at the top left, robot with document “Log”, to the right of it document with “Config” and at the top two documents, each with “Report” and “CSV” on it.

Get the most out of your devices with SWARM!

Learn more

Project Excerpt

2022-2023 - Cleanfix

RA660 Navi XL

In collaboration with Cleanfix AG, we equipped the RA660 Navi XL cleaning robot with basic functions to ensure autonomous operation of the robot. Among other things, we provided the connection to the autonomous docking station and implemented control of the robot via touch­screen and tablet app.

2020-2023 Baloise Insurance Ltd

Task Management Tool

With the order tool, Baloise Insurance has created a centralized, cross-sector case management tool that seamlessly integrates into the application landscape. The ordering tool serves as a cross-industry case management tool to simplify and centralize work processes. We have also equipped the web app with various features that make the case managers' work more efficient.

What Our Clients Say About Us

Felix Ruesch - Cleanfix - RA660 Navi XL

Earlybyte supports us in a very professional way to be at the forefront of the international industry.

Felix RĂŒesch

CEO, Cleanfix AG

Raphael Tobler - Digital Winterthur - Plantoid

The team proved to be very reliable, committed, and competent in this spontaneous project, which was created under a lot of time pressure

Raphael Tobler

Entrepreneur & President Digital Winterthur

Markus Metz - Baloise - eSi

This way, we were able to obtain immediate feedback and incorporate it into the eSi-Mobile app.

Markus Metz

Product Owner eSi-Mobile App & Senior Agile Coach

Marcel Thomann - Baloise - eSi - Auftragstool

The esI-Mobile app has made the everyday life of our claims investigators much easier and also more convenient.

Marcel Thomann

Head of Schadeninspektoren Sach

Roger Kaiser - Cleanfix - RA660 Navi XL

They understand how to put themselves in our shoes and recognize the challenges.

Roger Kaiser

IT Project Manager

Do you wanna know more?

If SWARM has sparked your interest or you have ideas on how you can use SWARM to your advantage, we would be happy to advisse you personally.

Contact us!
A comic bee with a blue to magenta gradient and an earlybyte logo on the chest that says: “Time to turn your ideas into bee-ality.”